Thursday, September 22, 2011


I went to the ER yesterday after all that. I spent about 4 hours there and they referred me for an endocrinology appointment today. In the ER, they took some blood out of me and looked me over a little. The doctor said my eyes are starting to bulge a little bit; it's in early stages so it's not very noticeable.

Today at my doctor's appointment, my doctor compared all of my blood results and decided she wanted another test because my symptoms and levels weren't matching up (the tests said normal while I presented as otherwise). I have a sonogram ordered for the 6th of October and I'm scheduled to see my endo again in December, but I predict she will want to see me sooner. I've been shaking again and a friend of mine had to walk me to the subway station after class; I was pretty embarrassed but I'm glad I'm making friends. Right now I'm just going to eat and drink something and try and relax, maybe my shaking will stop again. It is already stopping which is a good sign, but I want it to keep stopping.

I'll probably report back soon about my symptoms. I don't know if they're going to come back again and, if so, how frequently they will be coming back.

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