Saturday, July 2, 2011

Truckin' it Out

I've been getting more symptomatic by the day. I've been feeling a lump on the left side of my neck when I swallow, the lymph node on the left side of my neck under my jawbone is painful and rock solid, and I've had dull, intermittent pain in my ears. I thought this was an ear infection, but it's not that kind of pain, plus, I feel like I usually do otherwise. After a lot of anxiety, I finally called my doctor to see what was going on with my sonogram results. They're not in yet. It's incredibly frustrating because I've been so symptomatic and there's not really a magic pill I can take to get relief. That's reserved for those thyroid patients who only have a simple hormone imbalance. Like my mom. I am so jealous that she can just take one pill and be fine with her thyroid; then again, a simple case of hypothyroidism is far less difficult to treat (and diagnose) than the stuff I've got going on.

Now that I've dropped out of summer school, I can blog a lot more frequently. But don't panic; I'm still going back to school in the fall. It's just that I don't want to deal with a professor who makes me cry in front of the whole class and refuses to turn up the AC. I'd say the puddle of sweat I left on my chair is my way of saying, "Kiss my ass." Psychologically (and physically), I don't need to deal with that. The disability department agreed that I wasn't in any physical shape to be in school right now anyhow, and told me I need to take the summer to get my health in check. It would be much easier if I had my sonogram results back. But now I'm sounding like a broken record.

I think I might take a nap now. I haven't been sleeping much at night these days.

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